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We're two happy-go-lucky travellers (well, one super-efficient organiser and one procrastinating neurotic risk-taker) on an adventure together spanning 7 months and most of the mainland countries in the Americas. Follow us from January until August 2012 for tips on marital bliss (peace? cessation of hostilities, perhaps?) and how a vegetarian tea-totaller and an inebriated carnivore find suitable places to dine ... together.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Central America

In Central America we visited ancient ruins and beautiful rainforest pools.  We toured Caribbean beaches and tried (unsuccessfully) to scale several volcanoes.  We ate a lot of good food: most of it desserts and cheese.  We met and made wonderful friends and had a wonderful time.

Date arrived:                    22nd May 2012
Date departed:                 30th June 2012
Length of stay:                  39 days

Total distance travelled:     4,441 km

Time on buses:                     110 hrs
Time on boats:                     113 hrs
Time hiking:                          17 hrs
Time cycling:                           4 hrs
Time on the back of a truck:     5 hrs

Border crossings:                      8
Carbon footprint:                 0.58 metric tons CO2

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