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We're two happy-go-lucky travellers (well, one super-efficient organiser and one procrastinating neurotic risk-taker) on an adventure together spanning 7 months and most of the mainland countries in the Americas. Follow us from January until August 2012 for tips on marital bliss (peace? cessation of hostilities, perhaps?) and how a vegetarian tea-totaller and an inebriated carnivore find suitable places to dine ... together.

Friday, 6 September 2013

North America

In North America we were thrilled and amazed in Mexico, with its wonderful people and beautiful cities.  We gazed out across the Grand Canyon, the Hoover Dam, the amazing spaces of Yosemite Valley and the lights of the Las Vegas Strip.  We made it as far north as Vancouver, Canada, before our feet left the ground.  We made it to New York and visited all five boroughs.  Most wonderful of all we met up with lots of lovely firends: people we've known for ages from Melbourne, Scotland and London, and people we met for the first time on our travels further south.  Thank you to all of you for making our time in North America truly fabulous and memorable.  

Date arrived:                   30th June 2012
Date departed:                21st August 2012
Length of stay:                 52 days

Total distance travelled:    15,312km

Time on buses:                     90 hrs
Time in the car:                   81 hrs
Time hiking:                          6 hrs
Time cycling:                         3 hrs
Time on the back of a truck:   5 hrs  
Time on cable car:                 1 hr
Time on planes:                     5 hrs

Border crossings:                   4
Carbon footprint:                  2.32 metric tons CO2

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